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White Helmets Intensify Infrastructure Projects in Northwestern Syria Following Devastating Earthquake

The projects encompassed the expansion of sewage networks, rehabilitation of roads, and various other initiatives at multiple levels. These efforts are aimed at realizing The White Helmet's vision of a brighter future and improved reality for Syria and its people, and to enable our communites to recover, whether from disasters or the war.

The violent and systematic bombing campaigns carried out by the Assad regime and Russia over the prolonged war have severely impacted Syria's already fragile infrastructure. These destructive campaigns, coupled with forced displacement of the population, have led to the emergence of densely populated areas, further straining the already burdened infrastructure, particularly evident in the northwestern regions of Syria.

As a consequence of the ongoing bombings and displacements, the Syrian people are enduring a tragic reality, marked by the absence of basic necessities for a dignified life and compounded by the catastrophic effects of the devastating earthquake. In response to this dire situation, The White Helmets have expand its operations, engaging in service projects aimed at alleviating the immense suffering experienced by the people in northwestern Syria.

Repair of Basic Infrastructure - Sanitation

The White Helmets took a significant step towards enhancing public health and rehabilitating the infrastructure in northwestern Syria with the launch of the first service project after the devastating earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria last February. The project focuses on implementing drinking water and sewage networks in the Kafr Karmin-Al-Kamuna camps in the western countryside of Aleppo.

Covering an extensive area of 20,000 square meters, this project is the largest of its kind undertaken by The White Helmets in northwestern Syria. It is expected to benefit approximately 7,500 homes in the Kafr Karmin - Al-Kamuna camps.

One of the primary advantages of this initiative is the substantial reduction in the risk of disease outbreaks. By providing clean water for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene, the health of camp residents is preserved, and the spread of diseases like cholera and leishmaniasis can be minimized.

In another critical effort, The White Helmets are diligently working on a 1,650-meter-long sewage network along the Sarmada-Bardaqli road, located north of Idlib. The completion of this sewage network will extend essential sanitation services to over 6,000 civilians.

Our teams are also working on extending the sewage network to support a newly established hospital in the town of Binnish, east of Idlib. This vital service not only benefits the hospital itself but also contributes to the overall well-being and sanitation standards of the surrounding community.

These initiatives form part of the broader efforts of The White Helmets to elevate public health standards and support the stability of communities that have been severely impacted by the ongoing war and disasters.

Rehabilitation of Transportation Roads

The White Helmets have undertaken a series of service projects aimed at rehabilitating transportation roads both independently and in collaboration with other organizations. One significant project involves the rehabilitation of the road connecting the city of Sarmada to the junction of the town of Kafardarian in the northern countryside of Idlib. This joint initiative, conducted in partnership with the Al-Sham Humanitarian Foundation, has a primary objective of facilitating the movement of civilians between these crucial locations.

The road holds immense importance as a vital transportation node, linking the Sarmada region to the regions of Harim and Salqin. Thousands of civilians rely on this thoroughfare daily to access their workplaces in the northern and western countryside of Idlib, as well as the western countryside of Aleppo. Over the years the road has suffered considerable damage, leading to the formation of potholes and collapses. These conditions have contributed to numerous traffic accidents, causing delays for civilians in reaching their workplaces, frequent vehicle breakdowns, and an increased economic burden on the people. As such, the rehabilitation of this road has become an urgent necessity for the well-being of civilians, camps, and surrounding communities.

In tandem with the aforementioned project, The White Helmets continues to undertake other service projects, including the ongoing contracting phase for the rehabilitation of Al-Amoud Road in the city of Sarmada, spanning a length of 4,790 meters. Al-Amoud Road is a main artery that caters to the daily needs of thousands of civilians in Sarmada, easing pressure and traffic density within the city.

Additionally, the operational alliance formed with the Syrian Forum and the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) has led to forthcoming projects, such as the asphalting of roads in the Afrin region. These initiatives, set to be implemented soon, aim to rehabilitate roads spanning more than 11,000 meters, further enhancing transportation infrastructure and mobility in the area.

Continuing the Community Resilience Program

During the first half of the current year 2023, The White Helmets recorded the implementation of 12,348 service operations aimed at strengthening the steadfastness of the local community within 585 population centers of cities, villages, and towns, and 545 camps in northwestern Syria.

The service operations encompassed a range of initiatives aimed at fortifying the community's resolve. This includes 1,065 diverse service and logistical operations within 237 population centers and 112 camps. Among these were 761 operations that focused on essential tasks such as washing and cleaning schools, streets, gardens, and public facilities within 215 population centers and 13 camps.

Furthermore, our volunteers undertook 590 excavation operations, which included technical pits, foundation work, and electrical maintenance drilling within 180 population centers and 74 camps. Additionally, 518 backfilling operations were executed to address abandoned pits and wells, mitigating the risk of accidents within 152 population centers and 74 camps. In addition, 505 sewage line drilling operations were conducted within 134 population centers and 85 camps to improve sanitation and environmental conditions.

Our volunteers also spearheaded coordination and beautification efforts along the Afrin corniche, spanning 1800 meters. During this endeavor, 300 trees and 1200 ornamental plants were thoughtfully planted, enhancing the natural beauty of the area and fostering a sense of pride and hope within the community.

Despite facing significant challenges over 12 years of war and relentless bombing campaigns, our teams remain steadfast in their efforts in responding to crises and leveraging their capabilities to enhance and improve the services offered. Our ultimate goal is to create a healthy and safe environment for the Syrian people who have been deeply affected by war and various disasters. While these projects play a vital role in revitalizing and rehabilitating affected communities, they only serve as emergency solutions in response to an ongoing tragedy.
