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Who funds the White Helmets?

When we were established, we made a commitment to serve all people no matter their background, politics or religion. Syrian civilian areas have been attacked by airstrikes from the Syria regime, Russia, and the anti-Isis coalition and extremist groups on the ground. We have saved lives in all these attacks. All the funding we receive supports our impartial work and does not impact our independence as a Syrian institution.

The funding we receive is used for the equipment involved in our operations: ambulances, fire engines, diggers and cranes, as well as lighter equipment like shovels and first-aid kits. It is used to provide training for our volunteers on all the services we provide from search and rescue techniques, removal of unexploded weapons and maternal healthcare. Finally, it provides medical care for the hundreds of volunteers injured in the line of duty, supports the families of the martyred volunteers and when possible provides a modest stipend for our volunteers.

The activities of civil defence have been supported by governments including: the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Holland, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Qatar. Like most Syrian organisations we do not receive government funding directly, but instead through international partners including Mayday and Chemonix, who then support our programmes.

In 2014 we started to receive donations from ordinary people around the world. To date, more than 200,000 people have supported our mission, as well as a number of human rights and foundations. We thank these people from the bottom of our hearts. This solidarity is worth so much more than money.

If you wish to donate to support our work please visit our fundraising website hosted by our partner 'The Syria Campaign'.
